My name is Darko Horvatić and this page contains my works and links. I live in Croatia, but I travel around for work, and with the help of the Internet I can work even on the top of the iceberg, provided that there is Wi-Fi. Besides the videos and photos that you can see anyway, I love making homemade pasta, preparing delicious dishes with a spoon. My favorite movie is Antonioni’s “Blow Up”. There is little furniture in my studio, but there is always a bicycle without fenders and gears, with classic brakes. I like to do a little and dedicate myself to it. New technologies made everything possible for us, but they took our time, so the works you are looking at are actually only informative, the new ones have just been developed. As I am comfortable, I do not put the latest works on the page, I am very satisfied with the page and I do not consider it a blog even though it was created on the basis of a blog.
Most of all, I like to edit videos, shoot, fly a drone (even if I’m physically on the ground), prepare simple websites. Write boring texts…
If you have thought carefully and you really cannot find someone better, faster and more popular than me, which is unlikely, you can contact me by email:
or visit
Youtube channel –
iStock portfolio –
Adobestock portfolio – Horvatic
Behance profile –